Hello Monday! Today I wanted to show you the Leka baby Gym that I bought for my daughter. I really like Ikea products but this time, I thought maybe this one was a little bit to... simple. So I decided to work a bit on it. I bought 2 pretty ikea toys, the rattle cat and the soft elephant. I can't remember where I got the third toy, but it's an incredible soft mouse. But of course you can use 3 different toys, it's up to you, but make sure that the toys are especially made for babies, without small pieces. I painted the red parts and the big buttons in white color. On top of the wooden buttons, I added 3 big leather buttons that I had from an old coat. With a simple woolen thread, I attached the toys. And, for the small pieces which turn, I added some gold masking tape to make kind of stars. I know that babies love simple colors as red or yellow or green, but I wanted to find a compromise, so I decided to add toys which make noise such as the cat or the elephant, who squeaks when squeezed, to stimulate my baby's hearing. Lucky me, my daughter Tess loves it!
I love the way you transformed this very "childish" toy into something as great for your baby but also very stylish!!
Thank you Ninon!
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